In the Community Newsletter: April 2024

Highlights of the April Panel & Fundraiser

On April 24th, Full Picture Justice supporters joined us for our April panel and fundraiser, moderated by Chesa Boudin. Please enjoy highlights of the panel. We engaged in a powerful discussion on "The End of the Death Penalty: Building Effective Interventions." It brought immense joy to see the room filled with so many members of our community. We were also thrilled to provide an opportunity for folks to meet Diane Lozano, our incoming Executive Director. We want to extend a special thank you to Morrison and Foerster for the support of your events team and for providing such a beautiful space.

We are grateful to everyone who was able to contribute to our cause. You helped us make progress towards our  fundraising goal of $200,000 for 2024. Your support will enable us to achieve the following:

  • Provide seed funding (10K) for a film project with Nomi Talisman, highlighting the stories of healing circle participants, former clients, and impacted individuals. The first short documentary will focus on Craig Hall, with plans for a larger project funded through additional donations and grants.d
  • Decrease our reliance on direct service funding and billable minimums to expand staff capacity and target services in counties fueling California’s death row, where rates for services are lower.
  • Scale family and community programs to mitigate adverse impacts of the death penalty and advocate for abolition, centering the stories of families.
  • Continue to participate in local, statewide, and national coalitions to support policy changes.
  • Provide Reconciliation Circles for mitigation clients as well as in communities throughout the Bay Area through training and ongoing support.

Your commitment to our work means a great deal to us. Together, we are making a difference in the fight for justice. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Celebrating Lily

In every journey, there are individuals who leave an indelible mark, whose dedication and passion shape the path forward. Lily Sorrentino is one such person, whose time with Full Picture Justice has been nothing short of remarkable.

In 2018, Lily embarked on her journey with Full Picture Justice as an intern, bringing with her a spirit of curiosity and a drive to make a difference. From the very beginning, it was clear that Lily possessed an unwavering commitment to justice and a genuine desire to advocate for those in need. Lily became a mitigation specialist in 2019, where her empathy and keen understanding of the human experience became invaluable assets. Her work went beyond legal strategy; it was about understanding the complexities of each individual's story and ensuring that their voices were heard in the pursuit of fairness and equity.

Throughout her time at Full Picture Justice, Lily's dedication and compassion touched the lives of many. She approached every case with empathy, treating each person she encountered with respect and dignity. Her colleagues admired her for her tireless advocacy and her ability to see the humanity in every situation.

Now, as Lily moves on to her new role at the Children’s Council of San Francisco, she takes with her the lessons learned and the impact she has made. Her transition is not just a loss for Full Picture Justice but also a gain for the children and families of San Francisco who will benefit from her expertise and passion.

Lily Sorrentino's legacy at Full Picture Justice will endure, a testament to her unwavering commitment to justice and her belief in the power of empathy to effect positive change. As she embarks on this new chapter, we wish her every success and know that she will continue to be a beacon of hope and advocacy wherever she goes. Thank you, Lily, for your incredible contributions and for inspiring us all to strive for a better, more just world.

RAP Demonstrates Accountability

The Real Accountability Project (RAP) at Full Picture Justice celebrated our 100th Tuesday healing circle, with our largest group to date! We are demonstrating accountability by doing precisely what we planned for 2024.

We have a new Healing Circles page on the Full Picture Justice website dedicated to sharing materials for circle keepers. You can also go to the page to find out about upcoming circles.

We held our first Healing Circle Facilitation Training on Feb 10, with 24 participants. The evaluations were 100% positive; participants expressed deep gratitude for learning our 7-step circle method. Most amazing is that in addition to supporting 3 intermediate circle keepers at the training, we count 5 completely new people holding weekly healing circles now in their formative stages, all resulting from the training. As planned, we sent all training participants an application for a stipend to support their weekly circles, and are now in the process of selecting stipend recipients.

On April 12, we had our first Quarterly Circle Keeper Gathering. This is another way we intend to support new Healing Circles. Ten people of varying experience held a ‘Meta-Circle,’ in which they discussed the 7 steps, and shared challenges and best practices. We covered the qualities of a Circle Keeper. Some take-aways include:

  • There are no hard rules about circle keeping; the circle is ultimately in the hands of the circle keeper.
  • The challenge is to be your authentic self, and invite others to do the same.
  • The Quarterly Gathering gives us permission to try, to trust ourselves, and to learn as we go.
  • We need this. The world is so troubled. Positive people gotta kick it together.
  • This is shared wisdom, and we are a resource for each other.

Next steps: RAP and Full Picture Justice are exploring how to provide Reconciliation Circles for our mitigation clients. This is exciting, hopeful territory as we help people get back on their feet. We are hosting our next facilitator training on June 8th, focused on leading Reconciliation Circles in order to address harm and conflict without relying on punitive systems and disposability. Reconciliation Circles help people come together after harm has occurred to explore needs, work toward accountability, and find healing. Check out the application to learn more.

Last Day of Freedom Viewing and Community Circle is this Friday!

Join us for a viewing on May 3rd at 6:00 pm of Last Day of Freedom (2015), hosted by Full Picture Justice staff and Co-Director Nomi Talisman, at the Full Picture Justice headquarters in the Mission. This remarkable film, which Nomi co-directed and produced with Dee Hibbert-Jones, has been honored with an Academy Award nomination, an Emmy win, and the International Documentary Association's Best Short award. After the screening, Rigo and Sandra will lead a circle discussion about the power of listening and sharing our narratives. To secure your spot, simply email your RSVP to

Full Picture Justice Signs Amicus Brief in Fight Against Criminalization of Homelessness

Full Picture Justice has joined forces with over 30 San Francisco civic organizations in filing an amicus curiae brief in the landmark case of Grants Pass v. Johnson. This case, currently before the Supreme Court, will determine whether people can be criminalized for homelessness.

The heart of the issue lies in whether municipalities can cite or arrest individuals who have no choice but to be on the streets, as defined by having no firm offer of accessible shelter. Grants Pass is seeking to overturn this right, which would have far-reaching implications for the homeless population.

In San Francisco and across California, leaders have promised to implement a housing-first approach to homelessness, yet the reliance on brutal criminalization tactics persists. It is unacceptable for anyone to be arrested simply because they cannot afford a place to live.

At Full Picture Justice, we firmly believe in accountability and ensuring that the most vulnerable members of our society are protected. Criminalizing homelessness only perpetuates cycles of poverty and injustice. It's time for a change.

Together with our partners in the amicus brief, we are advocating for affordable housing for all and urging leaders to fulfill their promises of housing-first solutions. No one should face arrest or punishment simply for lacking a home.

As this critical case unfolds, we stand committed to fighting for justice and equity for all individuals, regardless of their housing status. Join us in our mission to create a more just and compassionate society. To learn more, click here.

Support us!

Client and family support, advocacy, and community initiatives are solely funded from philanthropic investment and community support. Here is how your donations can support our work:

$15k - send the Full Picture Justice staff to the Capital Case Defense Seminar

$10k - fund the summer Youth Restorative Justice Leadership Internship

$5k - train and mentor 30 participants to become Healing Circle Keepers

$1K - training for and facilitating Reconciliation Circles

$400 - support one month of the Treasure Island Healing Circle

$100 - buy holiday gifts for a client’s family

$75 -  offer dinner for one of the Mission Healing Circle meetings

$25 -  provide one hour of hands-on tech training  for systems-impacted people

Recurring Donations

Recurring donations provide a steady stream of revenue that enables us to plan and execute our programs with confidence. Please consider a monthly donation.

Donate to Full Picture Justice

Support Full Picture Justice

Help us end the death penalty and repair its harm on our communities.
Support Us
Community Resource Initiative, DBA Full Picture Justice, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization | Tax ID 26-0564961
3030B 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Mailing Address: PO Box 411347, San Francisco, CA 94141